Parent Info

Social Competence / Behaviour Management

Our child social competence policy is based on the importance of respect and dignity for the child, acknowledging and accepting children’s feelings and encouraging these feelings to be expressed. Steps that we take towards encouraging social and emotional competence of children include:

  • Setting and maintaining clear, fair limits of behaviour which are age and stage appropriate and model skills that help children solve problems peacefully.
  • Listening to children, talk about their feelings and frustrations.
  • Reinforcing positive behaviour with praise.
  • Explaining why a behaviour is unacceptable and provide acceptable options.
  • Encourage working together cooperatively and to be caring and accepting of others.
  • Giving children clear and consistent guidelines concerning safety, respect for themselves, others and the environment.
  • Giving children opportunities to move away from stressful situations and support in developing positive strategies for managing their own behaviour.
  • Offering children choices and encouraging decision making. 

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