About Us
The AppleSeed logo

“Two foot prints – representing the child’s home and AppleSeed
The left foot print represents: parents, home and family – learning happening within the home environment.
The right foot print represents: the centre, teachers, peers – learning happening within the centres’ environment
In the middle of the Logo is a growing seed. This represents a growing child surrounded with love and protection by two settings; their home and AppleSeed.
This little seed/child is being nurtured, protected and loved by the centre (teachers, peers, management) as well as in the home by family (Parents, caregivers and extended family).
Both settings working collaboratively to extend the child’s learning.
Both settings have the same expectations – the little stem that the apple is hanging on to represents preparing the child for school, basic life skills, social competence and so on.
The little toes represent; love, learn, grow, discover, create – learning that is happening in both environments and what the child is gaining from both to stand for him/herself.
These little foot prints represent the child skilfully (love, learn, grow, discover, create) moving into society – growing into lifelong learners – Open space
The Little leaf represents our Te Whāriki curriculum, environment, interaction and everything we do at the centre.”